URLinspector setup is easy
Only connect your Google Search Console account and decide which web properties you want URLinspector to monitor for you.
Only connect your Google Search Console account and decide which web properties you want URLinspector to monitor for you.
With just one click you can instruct us to import all GSC Properties and their data to URLinspector.
Webmasters of large websites with many properties on sub folders and subdomains love this. A super affiliate with 427 domains suggested and loves this feature, too.
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Did you know? URLinspector was designed for large websites, with the biggest currently having 12 million URLs monitored.
Many years of experience and hard work went into our top priority:
To get you the best possible SEO data for your SEO work.
URLinspector is a tool built based on the Google Search Console APIs.
Technology and know-how come from the team of LinkResearchTools (LRT), one of the most advanced backlink analysis suites with a special power for finding toxic links.
A free plan of URLinspector for typical small business websites shall remain free for as long as possible.
For our enterprise clients, we work on making the product the best bulk URL Inspection tool for larger websites and crawl data analysis for millions of URLs and hundreds of websites to manage.